Research Ductilimeter for ductility tests on standard and modified bitumen

The ductility test is performed to determine the ductility of bituminous materials by measuring the elongation before breakage when two briquette sample tips are separated at a specified speed and temperature..

Main features

  • 4 tension line (briquette capacity) x 1500 mm
  • Closed-loop PID temperature control system
  • Insulated stainless steel water bath
  • Unique built-in thermoregulation system compensating control, optimized by connection to the chiller (optional)
  • High carriage return speed 500 mm/min for higher productivity
  • Adjustable speed range from 5 to 200 mm/min
  • Temperature range from -10 to 60°C
  • PC controlled using dedicated software
  • Includes a system to measure forces up to 1200N with load cells (up to 300N per line if 4 load cells are used).


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